Terrible film! Terrible acting. Awful scenes. The driving scene at the beginning was so unbelievably shocking; who sits in a static car and has greyed out scenery slowly go by.
Weird character chasing her round with absolutely no understanding as to why.
Not one tear or emotion for any of the deceased! No explanation as to the serial killers WHY. No one shared any emotion or care whatsoever!
The scene where they seize the renaissance picture is absolutely terrible….. sorry, I correct myself, the whole thing is terrible!
The shooting scene…. Can you guess yet?! Yes you got it, it’s terrible!!!!
Oh and they discovered that the prison doctor has been experimenting on him….. it was just shrugged shoulders, “you got me” then cracked on as if nothing had happened! Just terrible!!!!
I believe I ranted so much I even stated I’d have preferred to do an hours overtime with out pay!
The story line had potential but my goodness me, go clean the oven if you want more excitement!!!!!