Note: this is a review of episodes 1-3 as of now.
In my opinion this show had decent potential that was instantly squandered by a lackluster vision propelled forward by an even more lackluster director (the personal assistant of Harvey Weinstein).
The pacing is unbearably bad with episode 1 being extremely slow and episode 2 being way too fast. Characters made outright ridiculous decisions such as a Jedi deciding to kill himself because….an assassin asked him to? Why? Creative writing decisions were simply put incoherent, lazy, and stupid such as the choice for Mae the assassins escape being the result of somebody having bad aim with a stun laser. When they had a perfect 10 yard shot. Again, why? On top of that the dialogue is almost prequel levels of bad and the acting is pretty bland.
The only positive I can really say about these episodes is that Oshas Jedi master is pretty cool, but even then the story gives us nothing to truly be invested and intrigued with its characters. Also, was a scene of a shirtless Jedi really necessary to progressing the story?
Overall I found these episodes to be very uninteresting and outright JV levels of directing and storytelling. Headland is simply not cut out to be the director of a $180 million dollar series, and it’s concerning that leaks suggest the worst is yet to come.
Episode 3 review:
Wow. Where do I even begin. From a tiny lantern burning stone and an entire mountain village to Mae’s pathetic reasoning for becoming a sith acolyte, this is by far the worst piece of Star Wars media to EVER be produced. Yes, even worse than the holiday special. First off, the twin child actresses are laughably bad and extremely one dimensional. I’ll cut them some slack as that ultimately falls on the director. If you have bad child actors you give them less dialogue, period and at the very least you should try and give them actual decent lines. Headland did none of this. The fact the reasoning for Mae becoming prone to the dark side was because…she tried to KILL her sister after she made a PERSONAL DECISION to be a Jedi and ended up killing her entire “tribe” is laughably lazy and utterly embarrassing story telling. Also, how is THIS the reason master Torbin ridden by guilt committed suicide? He had nothing to do with the death of the witches as it was ultimately Mae’s doing. Overall a pathetic excuse for an episode of a $180 million dollar series. 1/10, and that’s being generous.