I really enjoyed it!!! It was nice to see a woman led marvel movie.. I think alot people will go into not wanting to like it because of that reason. But give it a chance it really did a good job telling the story of those characters and how they came to be. You can not get upset with the fact that the comics tell us who the characters are so you kind of have to stay close to that, which I think they did.. And stop saying because who players the characters ( certain actors) is why you will or will not see it .. I really enjoyed the movie and I did not know about these characters myself until hearing about and seeing this movie. I don't think I would of because I not into comics..That being said I would say you should definitely go and see it . If you are anything like me and enjoy a good movie without hearing back round noise it's a must see. And judge for your self.... And one question if you read the reviews why is it that most of the women liked and the men not.. Could it be because women kick a** in the movie without needing a man to safe them like most marvels films the women are falling and need the man to safe them ..YEP... GO WOMEN POWER!!