For this season I'm rating this I literally didn't like these season 2
Ending was unexpected after watching this my heartaches in every episode I foolishly hoped that there will be episode where kim jojo n sunho will make up with all there's misunderstanding because they were soo cute couple they meant to be happy ending but what the drama end up with~~~~
Hye yeong likes jojo but hye yeong clearly knows that his best friend liked her soo much n why he can't able to contact to jojo after the accident he should have just told his feelings for her n mke his own feeling satisfied he shouldn't say tht I'll keep liking you n waiting
Instead of all this the drama should be end up with jojo n sunho because they both like each other
Sunho was so understanding, loving,calm person he wasn't greedy but hye yeong was greedy n his greedyness make him a lead role wht a pissed if this drama were end up jojo with sunho surely this would become everyone favorite