An amazing, unbelievable, well done documentary! Bravo to Netflix & all involved in producing this. It was difficult to watch due to the insensitivity & incompetence of the police, FBI, media, & the number of investigators of the case. If the local law enforcement had performed their duty with the perpetrator's Peeping Tom incidents, the subsequent assaults would not have occurred. The victims were truthful & honest the entire time. The true hero's were the police officers from the other city who were relentless in solving the case, & the victims. The story upset me so much, that I wrote this review. I want the local law enforcement, FBI, & media personnel who handled this case to be fired. They discredit & damage the reputation of good law enforcement, & perpetuate the notion of distrust & corruption! I'm willing to follow up & sign a petition against them, since none of them were reprimanded by the city!