Okay. This movie is 3hrs long.
Somewhat spoilers alert.
I watched 2.30hrs and it was late night for me. At home with a big oled tv in front of me and AirPods Max. (To give context).
The movie starts “okay”. But I get tired quickly about dialogs that happens in different times with different people.
So you watch a man talk to group of CIA or whatever government agency is there and he talks about other guy that is talking to another jury somewhere else.
Too much dialog and zero action.
I get Christopher Nolan. I really really love his movies and the way he tells a story. But man, was this boring as hell? Yes. Was it good? I wish.
Robert Downie Jr (IRONMAN) for those who don’t know, can’t do an old men living in Princeton.
There’s no nuke that we were all expecting to see.
Come on Nolan! We all want a nuclear bomb explosion in its full glory just for the visual effect and the impact to see this crazy human invention that can actually end the world as it is.
2.30hrs in and I fell to sleep. I couldn’t keep up. So I didn’t watch the last 40 minutes and I probably never will.