Never thought i would say this but Abhishek Bachchan has shown his true acting skills in this movie.
The story is simple and we know the end as well.
A CM arrested for a scandal and during the jail time he learns all subjects of class 10 and gives the exam, end result is he either passes or he fails the exam.
Its not about story but its the movie that you would fall in love with.
According to me when a movie connects you to the characters, so much so that you start feeling what they are feeling. You get angry when they are betrayed and you get emotional when they are supported.
I have felt this connection with this movie and to best describes the whole experience i would say its quite like watching hera pheri for the first time ( This movie is not that funny but you expect it to be a boring inspirational movie yet it takes you on emotional rollercoaster ride and just like hera pheri the story is simple but the way it is presented is amazing)
Also a little twist of history and the way it was presented on screen is something we haven't seen earlier and makes you feel like doing a time travel.
Please support efforts like this movie to get more innovative and creative movies in future or we will be stuck in Race 3 or Dabanngg or Thugs of Hindustan kind of movies.
Director and AB if you are seeing this review ( no chance in hell but anything is possible) then kudos to you guys for being creative and Yami and Nirmat are flawless like always.