This movie was inspiring and really grasps the struggles of a Hispanic person with big dreams. As a Hispanic myself, this story touched my heart, as well as my family’s hearts. This movie tells it in a motivative and hilarious way, and I know that many of us feel seen and understood while watching. I may be just a teen, but I’ve seen how my parents and the people around me struggle to make a living and find ways to support their families. Although times have changed, there are people still struggling the same way that Richard struggled. Nevertheless, I was taught to be proud to be Hispanic, and I love that this movie delivers this message in a unique manner that is targeted towards my people.
I feel that many reviews are missing the point of this movie. Who cares if he did or didn’t invent flamin’ hot Cheetos? He didn’t let the fact that people didn’t take him seriously because he was a Hispanic stop him. This movie IS inspiring, and I believe that it’s purpose is to make struggling hispanics or any other race feel seen, and let people know that, even with social disadvantages, if you have an idea or a dream that you believe in, it is ultimately your choice to invest in it, even if it may be difficult because of your race.