Up to... I think season 6? Whenever the Sirenix bit happened, this show was pretty damn good. I watched it since I was a kid and just immediately fell in love with it. Even now I give props to the Winx and seeing their story evolve and grow. However... I did not know about Season 8 until recently and... Goodness, they really did downgrade this for little kids. The art-style and story, of course, are not the same, as they're trying to pull in a younger audience for their show... But as far as I can see, the ages 12-20+ typically are fond of this show. That doesn't mean that little kids don't enjoy this, but the major demographic, in my opinion, is in that category. If I am statistically wrong, I apologize. The fact that the characters now look like they're 13 and the Specialists have thick lips and eyebrows, may as well put Kylie Jenner to shame, is just awful. They look like they're 10 and it's... It's weird... I hate it, what happened?
Sorry for that rant but if they keep up with that art-style and very basic storytelling... Those who have grown up with the show may fall out of it and stop watching it. I've been seeing many people dislike season 8 for the major change the studio had pulled...
Now onto the show itself!
Personally, Nickelodeon had the best run in terms of voice acting up until the Believeix segment.. Or Sirenix... Pretty sure until Sirenix ended, (It's been awhile as you can see) that being the time for them to change VAs. Prior to that, their voices were phenomenal and fit the characters so well. When 4kids and such were doing the dubs, it was pretty awkward but ya gotta love it anyway. I loved the fact that they had the Winx grow and adapt as the years went on. From classic bootleg jeans to vibrant skirts and outfits, you get to see the girls and everyone else grow.
Yes, this show is very much cheesy in the sense of "friendship conquers all" but they gave Bloom her flaws which do at times make her a disliked character... (World of Winx really did her dirty for a while not gonna lie)
And you get to eventually explore the other worlds of Magix which I think is nice. The animation is not top-tier quality but it somehow fits for this show. And again, for it to be cheesy, it does have it's nice parts. As the story progressed however, it was easy to tell that they were running out of ideas, and personally, the 3D animations for Sirenix just made the show rather offputting and was a "no thank you" for me.
The movies were okay, the first one was better in terms of quality and voice acting as it just looked so damn good for a fairy movie. The ones after that... Dear lord where's the chipmunks? Why do the characters look scary?
(Spoiler in the event you're new and looking for something to watch) As villains go, Valtor, the OG basically, was probably the best... He was one of the "weak" villains but he had a goal and, when watching this as a kid, was a little spooky. Especially seeing how he was able to control and manipulate people... Neat.
I love this show, don't get me wrong, but it does have its flaws and recently with season 8 trying to sum up past seasons for kids.. and changing the iconic art style... I don't think I can watch and appreciate this show much anymore. I will go back to the past seasons obviously... But season 8 is definitely a nope for me.