This movie was REALLY bad, lol. It could have had a nice twist if the trailer didn't literally tell you abigail is the deadly vampire killing everyone. The first chunk of the movie is along the premise of, "what's happening, who is killing people? Who is Lazarus?" or whatever the name was, only for it to be abigail from the beginning. What's the point in all the stuff in the beginning then? It could have been built up to be the dad. His henchmen. One of the people in the building. Instead, the movie is hinting at this despite already telling everyone it's abigail in the trailer ZZZZZZZZZZ.
This wasn't remotely scary. Are you a scary movie or a bad comedy movie with really bad fake blood? Pick a lane.
Afterwards, the movie falls victim to every horror movie cliche.
1) split up, make bad decisions
2) buckets of blood will solve everything wrong with this
3) Gus from breaking bad could have killed abigail at any given moment in this movie. Instead, he waits until everyone but 2 people are dead to ask the help of someone he lured in here? He's in the control room! All he has to do is open a window. Kill her during 1 of the 2 long periods of time she's KO'ed. Do literally anything but the stupid thing the movie had him do. Tell them all of this from beginning. Boom, problem solved.
4) Horribly, unnecessarily long fight scene at the end where glasses guy could have easily won, but horror movie trope of people being too stupid to function takes over. Abigail literally said, "if you want to kill me, you have to drain me" so when joey is staked to a wall, he...fails to drain abigail again. What sense does that make? Instead he removes joey from the stake and fails at making her a puppet. ???
5) bad horror movie cliche where normal human people are stabbed, thrown through objects, beat up against the wall, impaled, and just walk it off like nothing happened. It's all just for show with 0 realism to relate to the people watching the movie. We ALL pull metal poles and stakes out of our limbs and shoulders, then forget it even happened because it doesn't impact us what so ever. All the time!