I was worried this show would cop-out by having the planet not suddenly be destroyed, or try and be super duper deep, but it didn't do any of that and I was pleasanty surprised. Instead, it kept everything real and down to earth.
You don't need a big blowout or disaster montage to know the world is ending, and that's what's so great about this show. You see everyone's day to day lives, and instead of /seeing/ the world end you /feel/ it alongside the characters. Sure you see bits and bobs there but the heart of it is ultimately in its story.
Design-wise, characters have clear and consistent designs that are unique yet fit in with the world. No one stands out like a sore thumb, all of the characters' designs have such a style that compliments each other.
Overall it's a slow burn but super worth it, especially if you feel like you've been stuck in a rut for a while. Genuinely changed my perspective on life.