The show would have been a good show if it wasn't so lame at times.Killing off and brining back character's... A "superhero" is so powerless... The lamest parts from season two was when flash had to give up his speed to save Wally,the senario was zoom bringing Wally to star labs and him making small talk with the entire team while he waits for the flash's speed to be handed to him. You're telling me it's that's easy to have your superpower taken away, no fighting back, nothing? Even after Wally was handed over? Another senseless part among MANY was when zoom took his dad was threatening to kill him... The flash just stood there begging for his dad's life instead of at least attempting to snatch him from zoom or something. This show needs to take some notes from Arrow a real no nonsense superhero. This show is too stupid I CANNOT get myself to watch another episode. #Lame.