The first time I watched the movie I was really disappointed with it. I have read all the books. I thought the movie was really rushed and it missed the important scenes from the book. But it is very hard to turn an 11 hour book into a 2 hour movie. My favorite scene from the movie was the bet. This is because it seemed SO real. The acting so super good. The second time I watched it, I stopped comparing the book to it and just watched. When I stopped comparing, it was such a good movie. If you have never read the books, I think you would really like it. But if you have you may be a little disappointed with it. You just got to keep in mind that you can put way more detail into a book than a movie. That being said I think it would be way better if there was a second movie. So the fans of the book won’t be disappointed with the first movie. If you are disappointed with the movie and you have never read the books, you will definitely be satisfied with the books.