Even with the changes, I started off liking it, my only real gripe was that they skipped the intro stuff with knives. but by the end, this movie was too stupid. The villain was pretty lame, the story just really sucked compared to the original, which is too bad because the character interactions were awesome. Their personalities were really cool, but undermined by a story that didn’t have the namesake character in most of it, felt unbelievably rushed and when scott was around, he was the target of ridicule and hatred. We all know Scott is a dick, we don’t need to be told it for 8 straight episodes, tell the story and let us come to that conclusion ourselves. All in all, even though the end completely lost me, and I was disappointed in MANY of the directions in which some of the characters were taken, I’ll give the show and the writers this: they made a group of people who were interesting and fun to watch talk. But they really dropped the ball on the villain swap and the actual storytelling. The original league of evil exes villain arc and even Gideon being booted and having a revival villain arc would have been way cooler, but that would mean having Scott exist in the show named after him and that’s kinda not how shows work anymore. Frankly, this show didn’t need to exist. I don’t even know what question was answered by this happening. All it did for me was show me that Bryan Lee O’Malley hates his own character so much he’d make an 8 episode apology for his very existence. But like Wallace wells would say, if you’re gonna do something, may as well get paid.