Mediocre comedy show, The host keeps insulting and humiliating his co-stars, This is being done since very long time, even the jokes are way below average.
I would prefer to watch 10 minutes of standup comedy by Anubhav singh bassi, Aakash gupta, Who have far better script which never hurts someone's sentiments than watching this boring show of 1.5 hours.
All the questions asked by hosts to guests are non sense and the same guests keep on repeating after 3-4 weeks (Akshay kumar,sonakshi sinha are regular customers of this show).
Krishna, who's caste is a female for no reason, he could do much better if he would be free to do any male character as it suits him rather than that idiotic female character.
I wonder what Sumona chakravarti (sarla gulati) has been doing on the show. She couldn't find even an average joke and her presence on the show is a big Zero. This show is no more funny and now it's all irrelevant
Even 1 star is highly overrated