I was so confused on what was going on. And yes babies cry but not that long days on end. I do appreciate once I looked up what the movie was actually about that they are showing the struggles us mom's go through with an infant especially one that is colici. I felt like I was going to loose my mind when my 3rd oldest wouldn't stop crying and I was on my own at night times because my husband went to sleep early to wake up early for work, then also had my baby all day alone as well. And it talks about the dark things that woman can and do sometimes go through our minds, most of us don't actually do what we think. The movie tho could have explained it better. Also more struggles than just hearing a baby cry, and feeling guilty about wanting some time without the baby. What about as soon as we are out of the hospital we are expected to be ok and get to cooking, cleaning and taking care of everyone after we just went through what we did. Or those few minutes we need to catch a breath and hear our own thoughts. We are expected to go to work right after. There are so many struggles us woman go through right after and even months after having our babies.