The show overall revolves around woman BILLIE who after being dumped by her tall ripped handsome boyfriend BRAD , marries a good looking, family guy Coopper , but after 8 years of marriage she stills of yearns of Brad and can't Stop thinking about the SEX they had which eventually found out by her husband (through JOURNAL) , which makes his uncomfortable about his own life of being a good guy .
But Billie doesn't care about it and runs back to Brad at season 1 ending .
Season 2 where Cooper divorced Billie after finding out that she had gone to her ex boyfriend which destroys him . In the whole season it's shown about Billie having sex with a third guy on side Brad is becoming a father with another woman (his wife) which Billie wanted from Brad .
At the ending Billie's Sasha got married and Billie Brad (after leaving his wife) come together .
Overall it's hypocritical show idolizing having women sex with many guys as Feminism. Billie wants to achieve all 100% of life but destroyed her marriage, Cooper life