I really believe she's running from her past. Her story of her past and identifying with being black is deeply connected. Although, I do feel the black community should feel outraged, I do not agree or respect how we are going about it. It's all biased. I mean has anyone stopped to think maybe she needs help. I'm not saying she's crazy but I strongly feel she needs to get professional help in understanding her past and to stop running from it. What's more shocking to me is the trans community not accepting her. Then have the nerve to say it's different. The same line the religious community or people who didn't accept them said. How is identifying with another race any different from identifying with another gender? Make it make sense for me. That's like me saying well people who identify with being a woman don't bleed like I bleed once a month so I won't accept them. People want to make rules only acceptable to them and their internal feelings just to make things (in their head) make sense. This lady has not only upset the black community but the white folks won't no parts as well and most of them only hate her because she is identifying with being black. Basically to me saying hey I was born white but I want to be black. This has affected her life, her family especially those boys, her getting a job, and her rights. THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE TO ME!!! This is all the things people who society feels are not "normal" like the majority goes through everyday. Who the hell are we to judge someone and tell them what's normal? What is normal when we all are different? So yall really telling me if I'm different I have no rights? If I have been molested/sexually assaulted, my credibility is in question now because I identify with something other than what I wasn't born as? Discrimination at it's best. Shame on her family for going this far to prove her credibility should be questioned that's actually affecting another sexual assault victim's case all to prove that their disgusting son who deserves prison is innocent. This is why victims never speak up or wait a while to tell someone, this is why people kill themselves, and this is why people deal with things internally or behind closed doors. They are not accepted or nobody will believe them. Honestly the world would be a better place if we all mind our own damn business and treated everyone equally. We all have a purpose here, we all are different and/or think different, so let's all learn to accept and knowledge it for once. At the end of the day God has the last say so. Lets work on being better people.