This game is one of my all-time favorites. The graphics, plot, story-telling, transitions, pacing, were all in it for me. I have a lot of love for all the characters who I've felt like I have grown a bond with while playing the game and don'ttt even get me started on how it looks! The story's ending definetely left me satisfied and left me empty/sad when I knew that Nathan Drake's journey had come to a lovely end. Actual gameplay has always been quite controversial with me in video games, but the action and scenery is so movie-like that it distracted me from getting bored or tired of repeating the same movements. I think the characters relationships, personalities, and voice acting were portrayed out perfectly by the voice actors and the game creators. The pacing of the game between gameplay and cut scenes was really smooth and the transitions between Nate's flashbacks and present life were presented at the best moments. I will never forget this game!!! P.S. -That part where Nathan and Elena drive through the forest after they had a sad dispute about him lying to her is so stunning. The piano music in the back made me cry and content at the same time. It was a great moment for erveryone to step aside from the constant danger and action and just take the moment in calmly. lovvee