This movie... even though it has a lot of flaws (like The Whos looking... uhhhh... AND The grinch can sometimes be annoying) even though the original was more heart warming... I end up watching this film EVERY DAMN YEAR. I DETESTED THE LORAX from illumination, I got nightmares from Michael Myer’s the Cat In the Hat, but this film. This film is something I... kind of enjoy despite the flaws for some reason. It’s effort, style, darker telling. I keep on watching. More than the original. I understand the hate, and I understand the love.this film is.... not the greatest film i’ve Seen but not the worst either. And it is probably gonna be something i’ll Keep on watching for some reason around late November to December. Do I recommend this? The answer is.... it’s a film that is one of the most watchable Christmas films in history so i’ll Just say... this is a guilty pleasure.