Wow I have a lot to say about this show... First off the judges were extremely biased. This show was rigged, always leaning toward Duff (trying to insinuate that chefs on food network are better) The women judge would light up when talking about duff and then have a completely straight face or just fake her reaction with Buddy. Buddy would always do WAY more work than duff and then duff would win. Duff would go out of the criteria and still win. I will say that Buddy does have a very inflated ego but theres something that all the people supporting duff have not mentioned. Duffs ATTITUDE, he would have a pouty face when he felt that Buddy was going to win. He would always give side looks and give digs to Buddy whenever he had the chance. Buddy would always give credit to Ralph while Duff really wouldn't. I could say way more like how food network would purposely show the bad side of Buddy and make Duff look better. In short, the show was rigged. The judges needed to remember that this is a cake competition.