The movie was a piece of art and definitely a cinematic genius.
The idea behind it is deeper than barbie the "perfect" or "imperfect".
It is a direct question: What if?
What if patriarchy isn't the system that is needed going forward?
Patriarchy was a successful system since humanity started recording history. This stemmed from the need for male dominance, leadership, and physical power to protect the herd. Do we actually need that now? If you look at the world around, it is all fights, conflicts, and ego struggles. Every nation on earth is struggling. No common ground. No logic.
What if a new societal system is the answer? where tolerance and acceptance is the prevailing language rather than anger, arguments, and fights.
The little plastic doll stands for happiness, memories, and dreams rather than being perfect, imperfect, or weird. Its personality is a direct reflection of the human playing with her.