I don't know how to summarize this game. On one hand the gameplay when in combat on the harder difficulties feels really good. Using all the tools at your disposal to fight big groups of enemies is really satisfying, however out of combat you spend way too much time looking at the floor picking up crafting bits and collectables to really enjoy the world of the last of us 2.
The story is the same. while playing it I did not feel the same sense of urgency that I had in the first game. In the original it felt like every second counted to keep Ellie safe. There are no really likeable characters either other than Joel however you spend about 2 mins as Joel at the start of the game. The point of the plot as a revenge story feels forced and you struggle to sympathise with characters to the point where the final fight of the game is actually depressing to play. Now I know people will say that that is the point of the final fight and I understand that the moral of the story is what it is without giving away too many spoilers. The best parts of the story were the flashbacks with Ellie, which captured some of the feeling of the first game and painted the world as a brighter place with hope and love in it.
I really think it's worth picking up for cheap. I grabbed it for about 13 quid brand new however if I had paid 50 on release I would have been disappointed.