I hate watch this show at times. It is very clearly made by the creators of lost as it introduces mystery on top of mystery with no actual resolution to anything. At times the pacing is very odd and you can tell the writers just did something to fill in time (“let’s just get this guy stabbed for no reason”). At times it also seems that the show is actually making fun of its viewers. Without spoiling anything, the first season literally has loose ends in the finals. The song at the start of the show is “que sera” - whatever will be will be!! As in, “there’s no plot line”. There are times where the characters could easily clear up a misunderstanding by talking to each other but they’ll stop each mid sentence to be like “we don’t have time to talk about that!” I love the premise of the show and the world building is interesting. I just worry there will be no pay off in the end - just a bunch of “cloud monsters” and polar bears that never get explained (aka lost).