*** Spoiler Alert***
Here's my review as someone who never read the books. This movie had me interested from the beginning and I think the mystery of everything is what had me hooked. Asd things were being explained and made more clear, the movie became more dumb. There are just too many typical Hollywood gaffes and unrealistic "scifi" tech. For instance, when Saul was shot, the bullet didnt penetrate the soft "bulletproof" coveralls he was wearing. He was shot with a .338 Lapua round which would EASILY penetrate any soft body armor as well as Level IV hard armor within 1000 yards. Let alone he only had one broken rib. LOL. And then the nukes exploding inside the sail to propel it.... umm, the explosion was between the sail and the payload, so it would neutralize any momentum (law of opposing forces) not to mention it wouldve destroyed the payload and most likely the nanofiber as well.... unless that nanofiber is super indestructible which in that case, how did it get detached from the payload so easy after only a couple of explosions? And then Auggie's pathetic bleeding heart hippie role was just flat out annoying. Yes, lets not help and let billions of people on Earth die because of a few cultist alien supporters getting killed. Also, the attempt on Saul's life... they said the autonomous driving was taken over. Well if it was, they had plenty of time to steer properly and still run over Saul and not hit Nora who was only a foot or two away from Saul.
Overall just a silly show which also put me to sleep at times. I had to keep rewinding to watch the parts I fell asleep through. The storyline dragged at times and then just silly plot holes. Like Tatiana somehow having superhuman strength, surviving the ambush by crawling out with a ton of SWAT team surrounding the place and then getting to Communist China on her own and taking out a cop and then taking out Dr Ye. How did she catch a flight if they were looking for her? And let's not get into the totally unrealistic "We fear you" from this advanced alien race because humans lie. LOL