This game is really good. I have already had 200+ hours on it, and I do like it. I enjoy the strategem system, and because of it I got really good at hitting those buttons in quick succesion. I like the collaborative progress, since it allows for people to actually try and work together. The guns feel helpful and diverse, allowing for many different builds. The armor looks great. However, I have a few complaints. First of all, is the toxicity of some player groups. I always have microphone off during my playthroughs, but even then players can still act toxic. My next complaint is the biggest: how WEAK the 500kg bomb is. I always run it, but I find that it doesn't have a good blast radius, and it seems to never kill what it lands on. My next complaint is the bile titans. I understand that they are meant to be the biggest bug enemies, but they are downright impossible to kill. Arrowhead buffed them to make them not die from a single rocket to the head, and hitting them anywhere else does barely any damage. If one spawns, it is generally easy to eliminate, but it even one more spawns simultaniously, it becomes a nightmare. I do fix this by staying on lower difficulties, and I find that works pretty good. Another complaint is the difficulty jump from 7 to 8. I was doing fine on 7 and easily unlocked 8, but 8 was an absolute nightmare. Objectives were constantly swarmed with bile titans, super samples were so rare that it became nigh-impossible to find them, and extraction was so bad that I never even extracted from a single mission. I will say though that I enjoy the thrill of trying to survive these events, but only for a little bit. The missions sometimes seem repetitive, and I would highly recommend implementation of more mission types. Then I have my last complaint: HELLMIRE. That planet is so bad, it never really sees any progress, and fire tornadoes camp every objective. Especially with the fire damage increase, you almost die instantly from any fire interaction. The intense heat makes the quasar cannon not that helpful, and expendable anti-tank rockets are almost a must. Hellmire was taken a few times, but it almost always fell under attack and nobody wanted to fight on it, so it was always lost. Nivel 43 and Zagon prime are sitting there with 0 liberation because people are not wanting to do hellmire. Omicron (which is a bug home world, mind you) is more favorable than Hellmire. If any devs see this, please make hellmire a bit easier so I don't have to wait for fire tornadoes to stop camping extraction points. Nonetheless, the game still shines. My complaints are easily avoidable, which isn't true for many other games. This game still should be a model for how succesful games should be made. The game isn't pay to win, isn't expensive, isn't annoying, isn't toxic (at least for the most part.) I do enjoy the game, and I hope that others can purchase and help in the defense of democracy. For Super Earth and managed democracy!