If you played the N64 version of this game like many of us have, you should definitely play this. It has all the creamy goodness of the N64 version, along with better graphics, lighting, and content that had to be removed for rating and cartridge space. It would be even better if you've never played the N64 version, seeing as how this one will give you the fulller, more fleshed out, and over all better experience than the n64 version. Also, yes, the game controls great, but may be a little dated compared to modern games. It has tank controls, and you can strafe while holding a trigger. It's far better than PS1 tomb raider controls, but not as good as a modern 3rd person shooter (Fortnite, for example). There's also an auto lock on system for your first weapon, along with the special weapons that need it, so you won't need to worry about aiming too much.