It is a movie. As you can tell by the following dictionary description,
Learn to pronounce
a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images and shown in a theater or on television; a motion picture.
"a movie star"
Similar: film picture motion picture feature feature film flick talkie moving picture a movie theater. plural noun: the movies "we decided to go to the movies" motion pictures generally or the motion-picture industry.
plural noun: the movies
"a lifelong love of the movies"
This is clearly different from the definition of a picture witch is as following:
pic·ture /ˈpik(t)SHər/
a painting or drawing.
"draw a picture of a tree"
Similar: painting drawing sketch print canvas delineation cartoon portrait portrayal illustration artist's impression artwork depiction likeness representation image icon verb
represent (someone or something) in a photograph or picture.
"he is pictured with party guests"
Similar: photograph take/get a photograph/photo of take someone's picture/photo
Clearly the simple fact that this is a movie and not a still image is worth considering when you give it a rating. Knowing this fact means that it deserves a five star rating along with such classics as Se7en and The Room.