Not so good.
Spoilers: The characters were annoying more than anything, the female characters complain about everything and pointlessly fight amongst themselves over the tiniest thing. Many times it makes no sense what they are arguing over. The comic relief joke that gets old fast is that the overweight characters constantly need to poop. They also try to made a make shift bathroom, and it's gross, they put some clothes and cotton balls in a basket to take turns urinating in it. Would have made more sense to pee out the window or pee in a bottle or cup and dump it out the window.
This series is 12 episodes, for about 10 hrs total length [each episode is about 50 mins]. It's like a bad written 80 minute movie drawn out extremely long and you keep finding yourself looking at the clock waiting for it to end.
If there is a season 2 I'll make sure to avoid it like a zombie plague.