Undertale is an Indie game created by Toby Fox. Toby Fox, an amazing game creator, has made many popular music pieces for the web comic "Homestuck." Undertale is a awesome game that has no other games like it. You have the option to spare or fight the monsters you encounter on your journey. Depending on what you do, you can get different endings, a concept completely new to gaming. If you spare them, you can get a "Pacifist" ending. If you kill some and spare some, you will get a "Neutral" ending. If you kill all the monsters, you will get a 'Genocide" ending. By far the darkest ending. If you play Undertales pacifist, I would say the appropriate age is 10, because one character design may be frightening to some. This is overall a great game that I would recommend to everyone. This game does have some swearing, but not lots of it. Also, the Undertale fanbase can get rather graphic with some fanart but you can dodge most of it.