As a parent, I found this movie slightly disturbing. This 13-year-old girl (oddly drawn like a 7 -year-old, maybe?) disobeys and lies to her mother, and it comes across as a good thing? The boy band up on stage yelling over and over "Do you want it?" and the audience of 7-year-old-looking girls is all quivering with excitement? Also the mother turns into a super gigantic red panda (which seems entirely real and solid within the context of the movie), knocks down a large building full of kids and tramples with super gigantic panda feet over the crowd of kids without the least bit of care or concern for the safety of others.
There is a place in film for rebellion against parents, at the level depicted in this movie, but I would say it is in a movie about 17- or 18-year-olds, intended for an audience of those ages or higher.