Haven't seen it. I didn't like the original, didn't see starman, but I like all of john carpenter's other films, even his made for tv bio of Elvis with Kurt Russell. Shame he retired, but who could blame him? After jaws, Hollywood execs want every movie to b a blockbuster, and his weren't, due to a combination of bad timing( the thing came out the same summer as e.t.) & fickle audiences with no taste. Some of the most brilliant and ambitious scI fi/horror films ever made are carpenter's: they live, the thing, the fog, assault on precinct 13, eyes of Laura mars, big trouble in little China, escape from new York and L.A., prince of darkness, in the mouth of madness, vampires, ghosts of mars. The scale and scope of his work is jaw dropping, like the weaterns of his influence Howard hawks. He is a truly original, interesting and brilliant filmmaker. I miss his work.