First off, Artemis isn't a "I need my daddy" kid, he's an evil genius! I wouldn't ever want to put anyone through the pain of watching this, not only is the only person that is good at acting their part Mulch, but they couldn't even get anything right, I think the only scene that was actually from the book was when he was talking to the psychologist, and one of the things that irritated me the most was when they said "and butler doesn't like being called butler, but dom" SO WRONG, no one but him and his SISTER not neice, knew his real name, because you're not supposed to tell your charge your name, unless the time came that it didn't matter, aka death bead, and yeah they made butlers sister his niece, like, WHAT!? And the acting wasn't the greatest, his dad gets captured by Opal in the movie, WHICH IS SO WRONG! Not only is opal not even supposed to appear in the series yet, but Artemis Sr. Isnt even captured by her! He's captured by the Russian Mafia! And is rescued by his son later in the series.
This movie made me so IRRITATED I can't even force myself to finish it, and I wouldn't want anyone to force themself to watch it