i honestly love this game. Yeah does it have a couple things to fix of course every game does. not everything is going to be perfect. the only problem I have is that the packs people spend actual money on. For example the totw packs, legend packs and just all packs really in general. like I spend just about $100 every two weeks on packs and I get ripped off by getting a @#$% ton of 65-79 ovrs everytime and maybe one or 2 elites like 85-87 ovr like way to go madden and I played someone on H2H and they had 95+ on there teams already but you go to the auction block and cant find a single one of that rating. Do I need to come in to EA myself and ask for them or be apart of the game making to get one. Also the game matching sucks like why is my team and 87 overall total on MUT and getting paired with 92-95 like of course I'm going to lose makes me really wanna file a claim against EA and get all the Money ive spent on Madden 20 since the release date. OH!!!!! and speaking of that to the people that bought it first didn't get jack in those packs. EA you went from a 10 on my scale to a 4 real quick with this game.