I'd give this film a 5.5/10 or 2 and a half stars. The big thing this film is known for and will forever be known for is TikTok sensation Addison Rae's acting debut. So firstly to get this out of the way, no her acting isn't good but I'd also take a stance in it not being that horrible as well. It sure as hell isn't anything to marvel at especially when compared to some other actors in this film who I genuinely think gave a stellar performance but compared to some other actors I've seen it isn't the worst. With all that being said, I feel like there were some missed opportunities in this film. To me at least I feel like this should have been something different but stayed with the same core idea. A hot popular person has something happen to their reputation that has their social status in shambles so in order to save it they make a bet with their friend that they can take the most outcast person in the school and turn them cool. They could have done so much more, especially with a cast of genuinely good actors they had at their disposal. Overall would I recommend watching this film. If you have time to kill and want to watch out-of-touch white men write gen-z dialogue then okay. But if you don't then I wouldn't.