I have been completely addicted to beat saber since September. That is because the game is so incredibly simple you think, but then you go on youtube and see people playing songs that are going faster than you can possibly comprehend. You get better at the game as you go along, but you don't completely understand what about the way you play is getting better. In fact, if you ask most people who know what they're doing they'll say something to the effect of "I have no idea, I just hit the notes". There are 2 major things that define how good your brain is at beat saber: your subconscious ability to recognize the patterns of the notes, and your muscle memory to help execute the patterns at a high speed. The best way to get better is to find a song with a simple pattern that you haven't ever seen before and grind that song on every speed imaginable until you can do that pattern at 800 miles an hour