Giving it a few stars for visual effects and fun acting. It fits the genre of the mid 2000's indie dramedy (in the style of Nacho Libre, Juno, Napoleon Dynamite, etc) with the moody aesthetics and tongue in cheek casual humor.
Didn't age very well imo since the opening scene intro's us to Scott who is dating a child who is fetishized as a Chinese catholic schoolgirl. I get they were trying to be funny but it isn't, so...immediate turnoff for the main character as a loser. The same boring sexualized/damsel in distress/manic pixie dream girl/Asian stereotype tropes for women, very lazy writing. (I know, it was a comic book first.)
Anyway Scott manages to be both a terrible and bland person who I have no desire to root for (is this intentionally done?) and I think this movie, like others in the 2010s, is way overhyped. Also things like stalking a woman and pressuring her to make out is an ick factor for a dude character.
But like everyone else says, the effects are cool esp for the time.