Garbage... From the deep pockets of a Christian hating political hack in Hollywood, the directors agenda is clear. With a bad guy dressed in French leather coats to the lead woman who wears a motorcycle jacket... Never mind, she also wears red toward the end, a color any 4th grader can tell you didn't exist in that time period. But, the comedic political twist is all the rage. The good guy (Fox) is the Muslem man, we all know, who created Robin Hood to overthrow the evil Christian empire.
It's clear the director is a mindless hack who just copies the projectile motion of matrix, the antagonist suspense of Star Wars, and the montages of Team America. This movie is a joke similar to the arrows that explode stone walls.
I want my 2 bucks back for renting this awful movie. It is nothing more than more propaganda from radical Hollywood. This seriously reminds me of the propaganda the Nazis put out under Hitler... Yet again, another movie from rich elitists trying to sell their ignorance from the empire of hate called Hollywood.