In case you were afraid that AI would replace real writers, fear not. This piece of garbage was clearly an AI generated script. The movie includes recognizable but poorly executed elements from Star Wars, Walking Dead, Aliens, werewolf films, and many other greats of the horror, sci- fi, and fantasy genres. The story is a hodge podge of previously used images and plot elements.
Lots of script dead ends and box canyons. Cage notices a weird black substance the creatures use to create their lair. So what? Nothing comes of it. The studious son captures a creature to study it. So what? He doesn't study it or learn anything about it. The farm where the other son visits turns out to be a colony of many people. So what? No effect on the plot. We see a smoldering city in the distance a couple of times. So what? All those resources have no effect on our characters' stories. (Also why is the city still smoldering after 15 years?)
The graveside scene is one of the sappiest in memory, but after an hour of not being given anything to care about, it comes off as hokey, forced, manipulative, what an AI might create when asked to write a 'heartfelt scene of loss and regret'.
The overall effect is "I've seen this done better before" coupled with horrible acting, and a lame script. The only saving grace is the run time is just 1.5 hours.
I expect some preteens might enjoy this movie, but not most of them. Watch it now because after the next couple weeks, this one is doomed to perpetual obscurity.