The movie sure took a long time to complete its morality play. While you are watching and waiting for the movie to have some reasonable closing, go ahead and guess the interesting / moral judgment conclusion; you'll be wrong.
BTW, I live in Montana. The New Zealand mountains actually in the background, although nice, did not actually overcome the boredom of the long wait for a conclusion.
I'm curious how many people actually did figure out by themselves what happened, versus those who only felt they smelt a rat, versus those who had no clue until they read a spoiler explanation on the internet.
I think it would have been great to have a few semi-transparent frames from the earlier video segments that display at the end of the movie. That frames would have been "hints", with each one progressively more clear. The first earlier hint had been the look on Peter's face when he saw his mother and George kissing when they returned home that night.