I thought Farrah Fawcett was very brave documenting her battle with cancer! This movie shows Farrah a few months after her Doctors diagnosed her with Anal cancer! She had had surgery previously and radiation and chemo therapy. Unfortunately Farrah did not take her Doctors advise when the cancer was first diagosed. A colonoscopy would have cured her but unwilling to wear a bag for the rest of her life did not sit well with Farrah and Ryan Mcneil. It is sad she chose vanity instead of dying in the long run! As a nurse thousands of people wear colonoscopy bags without and issues. You cannot see it through clothing, This documentary outlines and shows her treatments in Germany with different teniques used there. We see her in terrible pain but she has pure "guts" to tolerate these German Procedures. Her best Friend Alana Stewart is right there in the OR's detailing Farrah's multiple surgeries. Farrah chose to show us all the horrors of her surgeries and the aftermaths of vomiting for hours on end. A devout Roman Catholic Farrah Fawcett has a deep faith in God Almighty and prays with her rosary visible. After these traumatic events she is declared tumor free! But not cancer free. She has a year of remission hoping she is cured. After a great year back in California her American Dr's find regrowth of the tumors in her liver. She crys!! Farrah speaks to us throughout the movie... hides not a thing! Amazing lady!! We see her dying at home, and her some visits while in jail. She does recognize him through her fog of pain meds and sedation. I remember the day she died and was really sad! Her story is a real as it can get and shows us all what cancer victims go through !
That was her fervent wish and she accomplished it!! The choosing NOT to take a colonoscopy was her biggest mistake . I truly believe Farrah is in Heaven with her mother, sister Diane who also had cancer and her loving farther she adored!! Watch this documentary it is exceptional !!!