Just no, they completely missed the magic of the original show. 2 stars because it looked nice and was slightly better than the M. night movie but at least you only spent 2 hours shaking your head and saying "why?!?" during the movie instead of 8+ on this adaptation. The writers crammed so much into the story that there was no room for character development, Sokka wasn't funny, Aang wasn't childlike, Katara wasn't likable, Iroh wasn't leisurely/Zen, and Bumi, just why?!?!? Also Gram-gram and Bumi's makeup was so bad., and why did they give Bumi other dudes hat?? The dialog was painful and revolved around everyone needing to be reassured, sometimes about things they had nothing to do with. It felt like it was written by AI, no cohesion between scenes and the things that were changed from the original series just made no sense at all! The acting was also really bad, and I'm not talking about the kids bc they are just kids, but even Iroh I didn't buy and I liked dude in Kim's. Sad bc was really hopeful this would be good but at this point they shouldn't bother to make a second season.