Godzilla VS. Kong, I have so many words to say right now. My brother found out about this movie from the ads on YouTube to promote the movie, in the beginning i was like "NOPE" but when it came out March 31st I was like you know what "I'll watch it". Then I watched the first 20 minutes of it and I was like "Bed Time, I'll watch the rest tomorrow". The next day me and my brother watched the whole movie, and believe me when I say this but that movie was SPECTACULAR, well MORE than that, I don't even know the word. I totally recommend everybody to watch it, because the character, the setting, and how they even made the movie ALL from $160-200 MILLION. I really love this movie and this is like my #1 Favorite Movie now. Thank you so much for this movie I really loved it and I'm about to go re watch again. Bye!