Fantastic cutscenes beautiful characters now when it comes to driving they absolutely took their time getting these cars right the manual option in classic mode sure feels like it i think back in 1930s they had 3 gears Lol not the standard 5 gears so when changing gears the second and third feel alot faster than one. Now nothing is perfect especially video games lighting and textures in the day time feel awkward for me, NPCs in some places act like statues just stand thier or sit by a restaurant looking stupid, the game restarts by itself in some situations but maybe it's because i pre ordered mine not sure. Overall i love open world story driven linear, reading collections so on kind of games witcher 3 is an example among others forget online PVP open world exploration learn something spend hours doing something different not repetitive i love open worlds linear experience. Conclusion a must buy for mature people not kids i recommend to play on classic mode to give yourself a challenge don't be afraid to die alot, manual settings aim assist must be off and just immerse yourself in to 1930s America.