Terrible film. Does not deserve the praise it receives. Nonlinear adaptation was a bad choice for the story and does not do the boom justice. The nonlinear story quickly became very confusing and took away from the core aspects of the book. Additionally, there are simply too many characters to fully develop and love each of them as Alcott did. Characters like Meg and Beth and Amy just could not have enough time to fully develop in the time span of a feature, as a result their characters felt very shallow and rushed. I think the casting of this film was also questionable, Florence Pugh is a fantastic actress but she does not come across as a very good Amy, she for one looks too old to be the youngest sister and does not look like she aged whatsoever through out the film. In addition, I think she took the role too seriously, and made the fun loving innocent Amy too dramatic. Second, I hate Timothy chalamet. However that hate was extenuated in this movie, Timothy chalamet and emma watsons meg felt very forced and out of place. What bothered me through the movie was that those two in particular talked in very modern English accents or used very moder English phrases. It feels out of place. Another issue with the amount of characters, Timothy chalamets character never really grows or changes, he never becomes the man or even matures. He just stays like a childish boy throughout which is not what happened in the book. Important moments like beths death and the piano and meeting the German fella (I forgot his name) also felt very forced and felt like hereof just tried to squeeze all these moments into a feature but ran out of time to include more depth. Anyway, it’s a very in depth review and I typed it on my phone but thanks for reading my little impromptu rant. I just think Greta gerwig’s Little Women strays a bit too far from the original.