It was like seeing two different movies at the same time, or alternately. Glen Close, who. I think, gives the best performance of her career, leaves no doubt about how impossible and draining it is to be the parent of an adult child, lost to drugs. And Close's agony, watching her daughter fight for sobriety while she fights her conflicting emotions about her daughter's past betrayals, sticks with you. But Mila Kunis doesn't act like someone in the throes of drug addiction and withdrawal,. While her mother is running around, literally, trying to save her child and experiencing great upheavals of anger, then love, the daughter seems pretty laid back and uninvolved about the whole thing. The movie rarely shows Kunis going through the horrors of withdrawal. I guess Kunis's over-the-top ravaged face is supposed to do all the work and say it all. But maybe the fault lies in putting an actor of limited range in scenes with an actor who can play anyone, brilliantly.