I liked this movie. I don't care to speak on politics normally, but for the sake of the movie I'm gonna say that I do not care that her political views don't match mine, because she's a fictional character, and as much as people like to try and push the belief that the fictional world can hurt our world, it does not. It's similar to the "violent video games create real-life violence" argument. If you see something and then go hurt people for it, you were ALREADY messed up long before seeing whatever fictional content you used as an excuse to hurt people. Being offended or bothered or triggered does not translate to direct harm either. Anyways, I like the main character, because you're allowed to like characters whether they're in a live action movie, anime, games, any of that. Anyone can like a character AND not like if they met a person like them in our world at the same time, because these are differing worlds. As a matter of fact, most of the characters I tend to like in shows are "bad guys" anyways, so. And if I met a girl like her, or anyone like her, in real life I'd want nothing to do with them. I'd feel sorry for them and hope that they'd get help. She seems very manic. I don't hate people by nature, I tend to feel sorry for them instead.
I also think some people wanted this movie to make a point that it wasn't made to make, which might be another part of the reason for a low ratings on Google reviews. I think it was just supposed to be exactly what it is with no super deep meaning trying to be conveyed. Characters don't have to "get what they deserve" every single time a story is told. There are many times where people never "get what they deserve". I know that just from living through watching my abusers and bullies just get away with everything (the bullies did the same exact stuff the abusers did; I tend to count bullying as abuse anyways). Many people know that feeling. Some of us - like me - like that portrayed, and some people think it's a direct attack on the injustice they've felt or witnessed when a story won't show people getting their karma, and that just isn't true. I like that the movie DIDN'T do that, not to say that if it had I'd like it less. I like to enjoy the story that creators present to us, not be upset and demand it be told in a way that makes me comfortable. it's not MY story and I can either enjoy it or not, or just go make my OWN story the way I think I'd want one told if it bothers me so much. Sounds like I'm making a jab at people, but I'm not, I'm just writing about the feelings the movie gives me. But anyway, I think that was the case here, that the creators told their story THEIR way. Of course she did things I didn't like, but that doesn't mean I can't like the movie or her as a character. She had me busting up a lot of times.
I thought it was cool with it being a livestream. Too bad most of it didn't get shown online though. I kept wanting to grab her phone and reset the connection or something lol. Not as an annoyance, mind you. Just a habit. Anyways, I liked the movie. Thank You for making it.