Going back and forth between Shield and Violet Ive noticed a few things and I'll keep it short and sweet why I gave this two stars. I've got the digital e shop version for reference.
First of all, performance is absolutely abysmal. I don't think people quite understand how bad lag is every 5 seconds. It's fine every now and again for hardware like the switch, but consistent lag in an offline game is almost able to make it unplayable at times. Also like many others, the camera glitches through the floor during battles. I haven't finished the game yet, but this is just hard to deal with and my biggest gripe with it.
The art style is mediocre, and I agree that the open world feels kind of empty. For a world trying to be reimagined larger it seems relatively lacking.
The good things about it though are some quality of life improvements to the UI flow, the menus, and how the game operates.
But quality assurance for this game is terrible. I expect better from a multi billion dollar company.