This game is just pure trash. Glitches everywhere, droping frame rate, broken textures, the world loading and deloading. Do not believe the 5 star reviews. I have never seen a pokemon game this bad since the orginal gameboy release of red and blue. You would think a company as big as gamefreak could at least have some type of quality control but now days they just seem to only care about pumping out as many pokemon games as they can to make a quick buck. I wanted to enjoy this game but the bugs and low frame rate is just terrible. Also a big selling point is you can go where ever you like and do what you wish with no order but that is clearly wrong. You can't even reach half the locations in the game without the swimming or flying ability so clearly you can't do whatever you wanted to do. In the end I give this a 1/5. It's just terrible. I recommended either to wait until they fix it or just play one of the older ds or gameboy games.