Absolutely awful game mechanics, you can tell the main focus was NCAA 25 and even that had such little features it is painful to see how the company has awful time management and prioritization skills. I’d say the biggest thing for me was the awful announcements and the little impact on how the physics. I get the game is football and that there’s not much to change other than the players but if you take a look at other popular brand 2k sports they are leagues ahead of Madden. 2k accomplishes much much more in story and customization as well as graphics, madden has had the same coach faces and layout, customization for years, they have had the same haircuts and beards and gear for years they have had the same story for years, they have the same customization settings for years, while in contrast 2k has had the complete opposite coming out with new custom settings stadium upgrades many other editing options. it’s like the comparison of drew Locke to Patrick Mahomes, Patrick Mahomes you’d choose every time. One thing I’m happy to say is that madden loses NFL rights this year making 2k eligible to make NFL games. And I can assure madden I’m not buying another game from them AND EA sports and will buy games continuing from 2k.